Solutions de test des relais de protection

Vous aider à vous assurer que votre réseau électrique est bien protégé.
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Le partenaire clé pour prendre des décisions sûres sur la protection du réseau électrique

Découvrez les équipements de relais de protection
spécifiques et

Motor protection​

Almost all industries use motors and these require unique functions to ensure they have sufficient protection. Furthermore, it is critical that a trip happens during normal operation so the process isn’t interrupted.

Generation protection​

In all parts of the network, there are a few fundamental protection schemes which are used to protect the network, i.e., overcurrent and overvoltage.

Generation protection​

In all parts of the network, there are a few fundamental protection schemes which are used to protect the network, i.e., overcurrent and overvoltage.

Transformer protection​

The power transformer is the most valuable asset in the substation and therefore rigorous protections schemes have been developed to both protect it and to keep the network up and running.

Busbar protection​

The busbar is the extension cord of the substation where the energy is distributed to several different branches. The protection of this can be complex.
Distributed Energy Resources - Wind
Large-scale wind farms, off-shore and on-shore, are connected at medium voltage levels to the grid and their protection is relatively straightforward. However Self-powered relays are common in this area and create unique testing challenges.
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Distributed Energy Resources - Solar
The protection functions of solar farms may seem simple, however they must be well maintained in order to ensure that they are at optimal functionality. Tests focused on frequency, following the IEC 60255-181 standard, are crucial.
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Busbar Protection
The busbar is the extension cord of the substation where the energy is distributed to several different branches. The protection of this can be complex.
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Digital Substation​
IEC 61850 requires specialised solutions to effectively verify that the digital substation is properly configurated. GOOSE and Sampled Values are closely related to protection testing.
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General Protection​
In all parts of the network, there are a few fundamental protection schemes which are used to protect the network, i.e., overcurrent and overvoltage.
Line Protection
Overhead lines and cables transport energy over long distances. These are the highways of the power grid and, as such, need to be protected.
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Motor Protection
Almost all industries use motors, and these require unique functions to ensure they have sufficient protection. Furthermore, it is critical that a trip happens during normal operation, so the process isn’t interrupted.
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Power Generation Protection​ - Nuclear
In nuclear power plants, there are many aspects to consider for a preventive maintenance program. Specifically those related to environmental safety, and those that ensure a stable network; both aspects make protection schemes rather complex.
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Power Generation Protection - Hydro​
In large-scale generating stations such as hydropower, large assets are high in cost and very important for the supply and stability of the power grid. This why reasons keeping them well protected is of utmost importance.
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Transformer Protection
The power transformer is the most valuable asset in the substation and therefore rigorous protections schemes have been developed to both protect it and to keep the network up and running.
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DER Protection

This is some text inside of DER are connected into medium voltage levels in the network and the protection is rather basic. Self-powered relays are common which create unique test challenges. All together require a cost efficient but capable solution.​a div block.

DER Protection

This is some text inside of DER are connected into medium voltage levels in the network and the protection is rather basic. Self-powered relays are common which create unique test challenges. All together require a cost efficient but capable solution.​a div block.

DER Protection

This is some text inside of DER are connected into medium voltage levels in the network and the protection is rather basic. Self-powered relays are common which create unique test challenges. All together require a cost efficient but capable solution.​a div block.

General Protection

In all parts of the network there are a few fundamental protection schemes which are used to protect the network. I.e. over current and over voltage.

Digital Substation

IEC 61850 require specialized solutions to effectively verify that the digital substation is properly configurated. GOOSE and Sampled Values are closely related to protection testing
DER protection

DER are connected into medium voltage levels in the network and the protection is rather basic. Self-powered relays are common which create unique test challenges. All together require a cost efficient but capable solution.​

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General protection

In all parts of the network, there are a few fundamental protection schemes which are used to protect the network, i.e., overcurrent and overvoltage.

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Digital substation

IEC 61850 require specialized solutions to effectively verify that the digital substation is properly configurated. GOOSE and Sampled Values are closely related to protection testing.

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Power generation protection

In large-scale generation stations, there are many aspects to consider when it comes to both protecting the assets and to ensuring a stable network, making the protection schemes rather complex.

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Transformer protection

The power transformer is the most valuable asset in the substation and therefore rigorous protections schemes have been developed to both protect it but also to keep the network up and running.​

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Digital Substation

Software, data communication and control, etc., is standard in modern substations. Though the development and implementation of IEC 61850 since mid 2000’s, the way to design, configure and run the substations have changed. This IT influence brings many advantages but also introduce new challenges to the industry.

Distributed energy resources

The power network is facing a huge change moving from centralized, large generation stations to smaller DER. Accurate communication leading to quick and correct decisions will be key in the development of the smart grid. The relay protection in DERs, like wind and solar farms, uses rather basic protection functions but their design creates other challenges when it comes to testing.

Special and advanced applications

Advanced relay testing refer to protection functions that isn’t straight forward parameters such as current, voltage or frequency. Even though that is exactly what is measured and calculated, the advanced protection category is either presented in another format, such as impedance for distance protection, or require complex test setup as transformer differential.


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Software, data communication and control, etc., is standard in modern substations. Though the development and implementation of IEC 61850 since mid 2000’s, the way to design, configure and run the substations have changed. This IT influence brings many advantages but also introduce new challenges to the industry.

energy resources

The power network is facing a huge change moving from centralized, large generation stations to smaller DER. Accurate communication leading to quick and correct decisions will be key in the development of the smart grid. The relay protection in DERs, like wind and solar farms, uses rather basic protection functions but their design creates other challenges when it comes to testing.

Special & advanced applications

Advanced relay testing refer to protection functions that isn’t straight forward parameters such as current, voltage or frequency. Even though that is exactly what is measured and calculated, the advanced protection category is either presented in another format, such as impedance for distance protection, or require complex test setup as transformer differential.

Sous-station numérique

Dans les sous-stations numériques modernes, les IED et les unités de fusion des transformateurs de mesure sont connectés via des réseaux de données. Les informations envoyées dans ces réseaux suivent la norme IEC 61850, une norme internationale à laquelle Megger, en tant que leader, contribue depuis l'édition 1. Les réseaux IEC 61850 nécessitent des solutions spécialisées pour vérifier efficacement que la sous-station est correctement configurée, et Megger fournit de telles solutions depuis 2009.
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Ressources énergétiques distribuées

Le réseau électrique est confronté à un énorme changement, passant de grandes centrales de production centralisées à des DER (Ressources énergétiques distribuées) plus petites, comme les parcs éoliens et solaires. Avec plus de communication et d'intelligence, les DER sont les principaux composants du réseau intelligent. Bien que les relais de protection dans les DER facilite les fonctions de protection de base, leur conception crée d'autres défis en matière de test.
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Applications avancées

Les tests avancés de relais font référence à des fonctions de protection qui ne sont pas des paramètres simples, tels que le courant, la tension ou la fréquence. Même si c'est exactement ce qui est mesuré et calculé, la catégorie avancée est soit présentée sous un autre format, comme l'impédance pour la protection de distance, soit nécessite une configuration de test complexe en tant que différentiel de transformateur. Un logiciel dédié aux applications spécifiques assure que des tâches complexes puissent être effectuées plus simplement.
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Sous-station numérique

Dans les sous-stations numériques modernes, les IED et les unités de fusion des transformateurs de mesure sont connectés via des réseaux de données. Les informations envoyées dans ces réseaux suivent la norme IEC 61850, une norme internationale à laquelle Megger, en tant que leader, contribue depuis l'édition 1. Les réseaux IEC 61850 nécessitent des solutions spécialisées pour vérifier efficacement que la sous-station est correctement configurée, et Megger fournit de telles solutions depuis 2009.

Ressources énergétiques distribuées

Le réseau électrique est confronté à un énorme changement, passant de grandes centrales de production centralisées à des DER (Ressources énergétiques distribuées) plus petites, comme les parcs éoliens et solaires. Avec plus de communication et d'intelligence, les DER sont les principaux composants du réseau intelligent. Bien que les relais de protection dans les DER facilite les fonctions de protection de base, leur conception crée d'autres défis en matière de test.

Applications avancées

Les tests avancés de relais font référence à des fonctions de protection qui ne sont pas des paramètres simples, tels que le courant, la tension ou la fréquence. Même si c'est exactement ce qui est mesuré et calculé, la catégorie avancée est soit présentée sous un autre format, comme l'impédance pour la protection de distance, soit nécessite une configuration de test complexe en tant que différentiel de transformateur. Un logiciel dédié aux applications spécifiques assure que des tâches complexes puissent être effectuées plus simplement.

Megger est à vos côtés pour relever  les défis du réseau électrique.

Le réseau électrique étant une pierre angulaire de la société moderne, la nécessité d'une déconnexion sélective, rapide et fiable en cas de panne est essentielle. Le but des relais de protection est de détecter les états de défaut et de déclencher les disjoncteurs. Si un défaut n'est pas déconnecté rapidement, des blessures corporelles et des dommages sur les circuits et les équipements peuvent survenir avec des coûts directs et indirects importants. En parallèle, comme ces décisions doivent parfois être prises en un millième de seconde, il faut identifier et isoler uniquement la partie défaillante du réseau pour minimiser l'impact client.


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